Community Event / Theatre

Play reading group

Monday 18 September 2023

Unleash your inner thespian! Would you like to read a part in a play? Would you like to listen to a play being read aloud? All ages and backgrounds are welcome at our play reading group. Play titles are shared in advance. It's more fun than a Book Group with no homework to feel guilty about forgetting. This month's play is Baba Prisca, by Anastazie Toros.

Book Now

Starts 7:00 P.M.

Free entry

Free but ticketed

Book online at any time, at the Lyme Regis Bookshop and Bridport Tourist Information Centre during normal opening hours, the Marine on Monday and Friday mornings 10 – 1, and over the phone on 01308 424901

Unleash your inner thespian! Would you like to read a part in a play? Would you like to listen to a play being read aloud? All ages and backgrounds are welcome at our play reading group. Play titles are shared in advance. It's more fun than a Book Group with no homework to feel guilty about forgetting. This month's play is Baba Prisca, by Anastazie Toros.

Tickets are available for both readers and listeners.

Baba Prisca, by Anastazie Toros

This is a new play by a Ukrainian playwright who has strong connections with Lyme
Regis and has kindly agreed to direct a semi-staged, script in hand version of her play, which
examines the events around the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986. If you are interested in taking
part in this, please contact Chris Gill through the Marine Theatre. We will organise a single rehearsal
a couple of weeks prior to the event. We hope to attract a reasonable sized audience to appreciate
this event.

A Message from the organiser Chris Gill

We have now established a tradition of reading a play once a month at the Marine Theatre, which is kindly providing the venue free to support community drama. We will take a summer break in August, but we are pleased to present details of the next two events in July and September.

Please remember to bring with you a paper or screen copy of the script if you wish to read. We are not able to provide copies.

We have already gathered a group of regular attenders, but we are keen to encourage anyone interested in drama to participate, so please come whether this is your first or seventh time. If you have any ideas about readings of future plays, please contact Chris Gill through the Marine Theatre.